Belgrade is looking for a scientist to work with on making their city more resilient.
Help Belgrade explore the connection between Earth and space sciences and city challenges in two ways –
contribute your ideas or volunteer to be part of their strategic planning.
Image: Courtesy of 100 Resilient Cities
The Thriving Earth Exchange® (TEX) has formally partnered with 100 Resilient Cities, pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, to bring the scientific expertise of AGU members to cities across the globe.
The Resilience Challenges
The Thriving Earth Exchange is looking for a scientist who can connect science to an integrated strategy that addresses the following challenges:
- Flooding (Coastal and Rainfall),
- Landslide,
- Wildfire,
- Hazardous Materials Accident
- Lack of Affordable Housing,
- Pronounced Poverty / Inequality
- Aging Infrastructure,
- Poor Health Infrastructure
How it Works
Belgrade city is currently looking to develop an integrated resilience strategy to cope with the challenges being faced.
The first step is to find key stakeholders to form an interdisciplinary team committed to solving these challenges.
Therefore, Belgrade is looking for a suitable local scientist to join the Strategy Kickoff meeting the week commencing 15th June 2015.
Strategy Kickoff Meeting
The Strategy Kick Off meeting will be held in Belgrade the week commencing 15th June.
Ultimate outcomes of the collaboration will be to: determine focus areas, conduct a hazard assessment and identify gaps in Pittsburgh’s resilience.
This is an opportunity for a motivated scientist local to Belgrade to become involved in resilience conversations over the next 18 – 24 months, so as to progress Belgrade towards developing and implementing solutions.
Get Involved
The Belgrade challenge needs a local Earth or space scientist who can find connections between science and its real-world resilience challenges.
Addressing Belgrade’s challenges will be done by listening carefully to the specific challenges being faced, and finding ways for Earth science to contribute to each challenge as part of an interdisciplinary team of experts. The ideal scientist should be local to Belgrade and have:
- Broad scientific understanding,
- The willingness to commit to Belgrade’s challenges over the next 18 months,
- The ability to listen and understand resilience issues,
- The ability to communicate science to non-scientists, and
- Some experience working with local governments or regions.
By becoming involved in this challenge, the selected scientist can provide scientific input and guidance themselves, or facilitate a conversation with the appropriate person from the larger AGU community. To support this effort, the selected scientist will also have access to a growing network of scientists who have signed up as resource team members and who can offer additional scientific input as required.
Share Ideas
Do you have an idea on how Earth and space science can help address one or more of Belgrade’s resilience challenges?
The top five ideas will be shared with Belgrade city and the selected scientist!