Watch ‘The Thriving Earth Exchange’s Climate Hour: Ask an Expert’, featuring Dr. Kaim-Aly Kassam, to learn more about the Pamir Mountains challenge.
Brief Synopsis
The Pamir Mountains challenge seeks to generate ideas about how Earth science research and observations can help recalibrate traditional ecological calendars for a changing climate. On Tuesday, 27 January 2015, project advisor, Dr. Karim-Aly Kassam, provided an overview of the challenge, followed by a question and answer period from viewers.
How You Can Contribute
The Thriving Earth Exchange, and Dr. Karim-Aly Kassam of Cornell University, invite you to contribute ideas on how small-scale farmers in the Afghanistan-Tajikistan region can update their ecological calendars amidst climate change. In partnership with MIT’s Climate CoLab, you can submit proposals or add to discussions here. Proposals can be lightbulb ideas, or fine-tuned solutions, from all relevant disciplines.