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Horn of Africa

Category: Uncategorized


        Image Courtesy of: Horn of Africa Regional Environmental Centre and Network


The Challenge

The Horn of Africa Regional Environmental Centre and Network (HoA-REC&N) seeks expertise to help them develop, implement and operationalize transboundary water monitoring based on currently available remote sensing data. This tool would inform and monitor regional land use planning, particularly focused on the development of agricultural lands throughout the Horn of Africa. Initial efforts would build on a transboundary project already implemented in South Sudan and Ethiopia (Bomo-Gambella) extending to Kenya and Uganda covering Greater Horn of Africa.

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A Scientific Partner

HoA-REC&N seeks a scientific partner or partners who could provide technical input to assist in the design of a water accounting and biodiversity monitoring system in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. An ideal scientific partner or partners would be able to work with stakeholders and scientists to understand the monitoring and decision-support needs and use currently available or easily-acquired remotely-sensed data to develop a transparent water accounting tool. A strong scientific partner would also be able to advise and even participate on expanding remote sensing capability in each of the participating countries.


About the Center

The Horn of Africa Regional Environmental Center and Network focuses on environmental concerns and sustainable development options within the Horn of Africa. It facilitates, strengthens and advocates for initiatives related to land use planning, integrated water resources management, ecosystem management, climate change, and energy and value chains for sustainable products and services. The Centre is based in Addis Ababa, and hosts a network of more than 40 endogenous civil society organizations, higher learning institutions and research centers, in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan.


The Centre’s projects provides support to small and large farms including flower and horticulture to be green and efficient in resource use such water and hence compete with the global sustainable trade. The Centre also provides support for transboundary biodiversity management and wildlife conservation between South Sudan and Ethiopia on the Boma-Gambella landscape which is home to wide range of wildlife including nearly a million white-eared kobs migrating seasonally between South Sudan and Ethiopia. So as to protect such pristine natural resource, the Centre implements integrated land use planning using landscape approach to conserve nature while promoting sustainable development. HoAREC&N also is establishing Ethiopia Climate Innovation Centre (ECIC) in partnership with international and local partners funded by UKAID, Norway and Danish government through the Word Bank.

Required Skills

  • A very good understanding of remote sensing and its application to water use monitoring and modelling of surface and underground water balance.
  • Ability to build and implement robust operational models that can be used and understood by non-experts especially policy makers, and users in particular the private sector and small holder farmers. Previous experience is a plus.
    • Ability to understand operational needs and design systems that support those needs, including identifying relevant, readily available data sources and creating derived products that simplify data without betraying complexity. May need to account for limited or unreliable data sources.
  • Familiarity with the Horn of Africa region, both culturally and scientifically.
  • Ability to interact in-person in Addis Ababa.
  • Ability to operate effectively in environments where science is not the only factor, and often not even the leading factor, in decision-making.
  • The ability to explain technical concepts clearly and in every-day language to a variety of people.
  • Ability to interact well with a diverse group of stakeholders and collaborators.   Collaborators likely include regional political leaders and governmental officials, representatives of local and international NGO’s, and scientists from several disciplines.
  • Skill navigating scientific issues in a political charged environment.


Desired Skills

  • Ability to interact well with community partners and respect community input, most likely via working with NGOs throughout the Greater Horn of Africa.
  • Ability and willingness to transfer technical knowledge in support of continued model operation, interpretation, and development
  • An ability to work directly with government official from several different countries, often with competing views.
  • Skill representing Earth science to community leaders and the public in a variety of settings.
  • An impressive academic or professional resume.
  • Willingness to do public outreach and engagement on behalf of this effort.
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