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Scientists and Communities Working Together to Solve Environmental Challenges


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Raj Pandya, Program Director of the American Geophysical Union’s Thriving Earth Exchange, was a keynote speaker at the National Environmental Monitoring Conference (NEMC) on 9 August 2016.  The NEMC provides a forum for scientists and managers in the private and public sectors to discuss policies and technical issues affecting environmental monitoring and environmental programs. Raj spoke of “how environmental changes – along with population growth, urbanization, and energy and resource consumption – have left communities that contribute little to global greenhouse gas emissions, vulnerable to climate change”. He stressed the importance of all leaders in the scientific community to work together as a unit. Raj feels that scientist should no longer sit on the sidelines as outsiders, but rather “embed themselves within communities, and work together with community leaders as partners to develop new initiatives to address environmental challenges”. Learn more here.

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