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City Solutions With Science

Thriving Earth Exchange

Our scientists are world class experts in the things that affect your community—things like climate change impacts, severe weather, volcanoes, earthquakes, natural resources, pollution, and the solar flares that disrupt communications. TEX can help you enhance the resilience and sustainability of your community by helping you access and apply the best available knowledge from this international pool of experts.




Greenhouse Gas Emissions

When the leaders of Eugene, Oregon, decided to set the most ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets in the USA, city leaders wanted to ensure the targets were based on relevant and robust science. And when the City’s sustainability director exhausted the City’s internal expertise on the topic, TEX helped him connect to a local scientist with world-class credentials.




Air Quality

Just outside of downtown Denver, Colorado, several neighborhoods were concerned about exposure to natural and man-made air pollutants. TEX connected neighborhood leaders with local scientists. Together, the scientist and the neighborhood crowd-funded to develop and test new inexpensive ways to measure exposure in local homes.




Storm Water

When the water manager for Oakland, California, wanted to demonstrate the value of integrating climate resilience into regular planning, he turned to TEX. Two TEX scientists are outlining options for a climate resilient storm water management system, including introducing a basin-wide approach that would work across city departments




Extreme Heat

When Washington, DC, sought to update its climate vulnerability report, city leaders turned to TEX to find experts to identify the risks posed by extreme heat in the District. Together, the TEX scientists are working with the city’s Climate Program Analyst to comprehensively identify at-risk populations and develop plans to address public health concerns.




How May We Partner with Your City?


Thriving Earth Exchange connects civic leaders to the Earth and space scientists who can support cities and local communities in their decision-making and action-taking. Thriving Earth Exchange listens to the needs and challenges of cities and helps connect them to scientists and experts who can provide high-quality scientific input that leads to usable and implementable outcomes.



Whether you want to start exploring how Earth and space science can help you reach your civic goals or you want scientific input to advance already-defined projects related to natural hazards, natural resource management, and climate change, Thriving Earth Exchange can help you connect to scientist volunteers who will be your partners.  We have over 60,000 scientists all over the world. We know how to match you with the right experts: scientists with relevant technical expertise, strong collaborative skills, and the ability to generate solutions.  Our scientists are volunteers and world-class experts motivated by the desire to share their knowledge and make a positive impact.



Prerequisites: The community should either aim to complete the City Challenge Form OR provide a TEX staff member with a brief summary of the community priorities/challenges that it is facing in one or more of the three key areas (i.e. climate change, natural hazards or natural resources).


For more details on the TEX Scoping process, click here

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