Apply now to join our next cohort of Community Science Fellows and Community Leads!


In only 5 years, Thriving Earth Exchange has grown from an idea to a proven program that has delivered results in communities all over the world. We know we can do more and seek new funding to make this possible.

We are seeking partners who

  • Want to expand the access to Thriving Earth Exchange
  • Share a vision of a sustainable, resilient planet
  • Believe that every person and every community deserves the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from science
  • Want to support science and its application to real issues
  • Want to shift the practice of science to enhance service and collaboration

Thriving Earth Exchange was founded and grew because of the commitment of the American Geophysical Union. That support allowed us to develop a working model that we can use to support many more communities around the world. If you are interested in supporting Thriving Earth Exchange, or learning more about your contribution, please contact us.

Additional information about our growth and activities is available in our yearly reviews: