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Careers in Community Science

Thriving Earth Exchange is often asked about career opportunities in community science. For anyone thinking about a career in community science, here are some resources you can browse for direction and inspiration.

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Community Science & Careers in Community Science

Community science brings scientists and communities together to solve local challenges.
What are the career paths in community science, and what opportunities might the future bring?

Be Inspired Here:

Activist Engineering” – Darshan Karwat

Under what circumstances does science help inform policy?” – Susanne Moser

Stop Talking and Listen” – Casey Thornbrugh

Science in Action” – Anna Wilson

Juan Declet-Barreto. Climate Scientist, Union of Concerned Scientists (Career Profile)

Jennifer Jurado, Chief Resilience Officer and Director of the Environmental Planning and Community Resilience Division, Broward County, FL (Career Profile)

Lauren Childs-Gleason, National Operations Lead, NASA DEVELOP National Program (Career Profile)

Adapting to Life after Adaptation Analytics: Reflection from an Intern” – Shahan Haq

Translating a Pivotal Internship Experience into a Satisfying Career” – Haley Gannon

“How Studying Mars is Relevant to Helping Earth’s Communities” – Angela Drapremont

Insights from an Interdisciplinary Community Science Experience” – Babak Fard

Why Community Science Has Everything to Do With Med School” – Caroline Stallard

Reflections on Taking Part in Community-Based Science as a Graduate Student” – Ashley Collier-Oxandale

Why I’m Hooked on Community Science” – Abhishek Rao

Community-Driven Science: Science of the Future?” – Kelly Sanks

Learn here:

Ten Tips for Listening

Ten Tips for Being a Good Partner

What’s the ticket to a successful community meeting? Make it Personal

Making the conversation work

16 out of 100 Tips for a Career in Community Science

Make Change Here:

How Can Universities and Colleges Advance Community Science?

Here are some of the things universities and colleges are doing, distilled into a set of recommendations for any university or college seeking to advance community science. Don’t think of this as a list of hit singles, think of it as the tracks on an album, where the songs are mutually reinforcing and tell a larger story (e.g. Lemonade).

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