The American Meteorological Society (AMS), Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC), and AGU Thriving Earth Exchange are partnering to launch a series of community science projects that will leverage and enhance the connectivity of our networks for local impact with communities. These projects will use science to advance community priorities and contribute to a growing movement toward engaged, community-driven science. (More about who’s involved here.)
Who’s Involved
- AMS is a global community committed to advancing weather, water, and climate science in service to society. Through this partnership AMS will provide professional development value to their members while helping them to contribute their scientific and professional expertise to community-based projects.
- ASTC supports science and technology centers and museums as they engage their communities. The AGU Thriving Earth Exchange and AMS partnership is a component of ASTC’s Community Science Initiative that will enable ASTC member institutions to fulfill their missions to connect science and society by partnering on solutions for local and global challenges.
- AGU Thriving Earth Exchange helps connect local communities with scientists to co-design and execute projects that advance local priorities related to natural resources, climate change, environmental justice, and natural hazards.
Through this partnership, Community Science Fellows from ASTC and AMS membership will collaborate with local leaders to design meaningful projects that leverage science to produce a concrete impact; recruit scientists with relevant expertise to join the projects; and lead a team of scientists and community members through launching a project, advancing community priorities, and sharing outcomes.
Now recruiting for:
- Community Project Submissions (Deadline: 6 November 2020)
- Community Science Fellows (Deadline: 6 November 2020)
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