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Resilience Dialogues



The Thriving Earth Exchange (TEX) is excited to be a collaborator and co-lead in the Resilience Dialogues. The Resilience Dialogues guides community leaders and scientists through facilitated, community-centered dialogues about climate change adaptation. Community leaders who participate in the Resilience Dialogues will better understand local opportunities and threats posed by climate change, as well as which tools, resources, and services are best suited to their community needs and objectives. Scientists who participate will have an opportunity to contribute their expertise to on-the-ground efforts while learning how to be even more effective in working with communities.


The Resilience Dialogues was inspired by the success of programs like TEX, which is one of the reasons why TEX was invited to help lead the team assembled by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Leading the Resilience Dialogues allows TEX to expand its network of partners to include federal agencies, non-profits, foundations, and community resilience networks. The program opens up another avenue—with a shorter time commitment—for AGU members to work with communities. Meanwhile, the individual community dialogues will generate new TEX projects related to climate adaptation. Looking further ahead, TEX can adapt the tools, processes, and platforms that are part of the Resilience Dialogues to support a full range of community issues from environmental justice, sustainability, and resilience to natural hazards like earthquakes and flooding.


Click here to visit the Resilience Dialogues website.


For more information:

New! Communities and Experts Collaborate for Climate Resilience

New! Public-Private Partnerships Contribute to Resilience Dialogues’ Successful Beta Phase

The Resilience Dialogues: Connecting Communities with Scientists and Practitioners (White House Office of Science and Technology Blog Post)

Fact Sheet: Launching the Resilience Dialogues

Fact Sheet: Obama Administration Highlights Opportunities for Building Community Climate Resilience across the Nation

American Geophysical Union & Partners Launch Community Climate Resilience Program with the office of Science and Technology Policy (AGU Press Release)

AGU’s TEX Program to Lead Climate Effort Launched by White House (AGU’s Eos)