The DC team met on March 13th to discuss the preliminary results. The data that they received from the DC Fire and Emergency Management Services (FEMS) Department reveals that there is a high incidence if 911 calls in Wards 2, 5, 7 & 8. Many downtown calls had no home address, presumably indicating that they were either tourists or homeless residents. Since only one year of data is provided, this analysis is exploratory. For any conclusions to be made about the threshold for heat emergencies, the team says they will need data going back several years. So far, policy implications include:
• Identifying areas for investments such as tree planting for residential units and developments
• Identifying the most at risk populations, based on location; and,
• Sensitivity for targeted outreach
In their next steps, the team will await as to whether they can obtain data going back to the Summer of 2010. The team also hopes to obtain stroke data to include in their analysis. Juan Declet-Barreto will be providing a map with street level data to identify any shelters that may be near 911 call hot spots. Alexis Goggans will ascertain whether a presentation at the Vulnerable Populations Healthcare Coalition meeting in April is possible. Regardless of whether they get further data, Juan already has census block group level vulnerability analysis ready for sharing in any upcoming public meetings.