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Meet the EPIC-Network

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New: Thriving Earth Exchange participants have special access to EPIC’s Member Commons for trainings, support and other resources.


The Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities – Network (EPIC-N) connects university resources to the needs of local governments and communities to improve the quality of life for all involved. This happens through application of The EPIC Model – an approach that fits the complicated structures of city governments and universities together for action and impact.

EPIC-N’s Program Manager, recently spoke with Thriving Earth Exchange participants about how the EPIC Network and Thriving Earth Exchange can support and enhance one another’s work – both at an organizational level, and for individual members and participants. These include:

  • Leveraging university resources to achieve Thriving Earth Exchange project goals
  • Each program providing follow-on engagement with community partners after work completes with the other
  • Opportunities for Thriving Earth Exchange scientists to grow community science at their home university
  • And more!


You can listen to Marshall’s talk with Thriving Earth Exchange participants here. (And if you want more, you can catch Melissa Goodwin’s Friends of the EPIC-Network conversation at this link.)

Links referenced in Marshall’s presentation:


With ideas and opportunities abound, we’re excited to continue to identify and pursue these alignments. Stay tuned for more news and opportunities from this collaboration. In the meantime, we’re pleased to announce that Thriving Earth Exchange participants can access EPIC’s member commons using this link.


To get connected with EPIC directly, learn more, and/or get started, send an email to [email protected] identifying your interest and be sure to share that you came from Thriving Earth Exchange!

mgoodwin editor

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