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Santa Cruz focuses on finalizing SLR assessment, social vulnerability analysis and outreach plan

In June, the team received feedback from an internal/external review (inclusive of local and technical scientific advisors) of the draft. Pending a few additional responses to comments and receipt of vulnerability maps from consultants, the final draft will be ready as scheduled.


The City has been very involved in applying for technical assistance through a number of foundations. While they haven’t been successful, they will still be able to reallocate funds and resources to do community forums, workshops and other outreach activities.


They will integrate first sets of community feedback/forums into draft update for City Council in beginning of 2018 for consideration for adoption.


Concurrently, Wise-West has made a number of presentations to City Council,  Transportation, Public Works, Planning and Downtown commissions. These, along with presentations to local schools, universities and other local government officials from county and city levels, has helped the city vet the validity and responses of a number of diverse constituents for the work they’re doing and will continue to do after this TEX project ends.


Outputs for the Santa Cruz project include:

  1. Final draft
  2. Outreach messaging for 3 different audiences.


After the final draft and messaging are complete, outreach will start in earnest by October 1st.

Natasha Udu-gama editor

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