Stay up to date on Thriving Earth Exchange updates! Let us tell you what we’ve been up to recently.
Eos article
We are officially published in AGU’s weekly newspaper Eos. Read our article “AGU’s Thriving Earth Exchange: Five Reasons to Join In” to find an explanation of the Thriving Earth Exchange process and why we think it will be a great experience for you.
Blog Posts
Sure, it’s a lot like the Eos article, but it includes fun animated gifs!
We’re hoping to expand our outreach, and Twitter is one of the ways we can get more visibility. Check out @ThrivingEarth for additional updates.
Register for Updates
We’re always looking for the best ways update everyone on our new challenges, and the best way is getting it straight from the source – this site! Register with us to stay current. Your information will not be shared with anyone else.