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Mapping Extreme Heat



TEX and ICLEI partner city, Washington, D.C., are interested in understanding how extreme heat might be mitigated as part of the city’s first climate adaptation plan. The city began mapping heat vulnerability with a team of climate scientists. The timing of the collaboration with TEX is ideal due to current drafting of the adaptation plan.

On October 26th, during their first in-person meeting, selected scientists Juan Declet-Barreto and Olga Wilhelmi, had several questions and comprehensive input for Kate Johnson, the Climate Program Analyst for the District of Columbia Department of Energy & Environment. Juan mentioned that one significant project component could include a focus on serving people in vulnerable communities and determining if current heat mitigation plans are actually helping people in DC communities. Olga mentioned the importance of the heat-energy nexus, and highlighted that additional information on adaptive capacity would help make assessments more accurate.

Next steps include completion of an inventory of measurable heat indicators in DC by the team. Further, Juan and Olga will send short summaries of their work and provide clarity around ideas brought up at the meeting. Kate will note the factors that the city already tracks. To assist the team in organizing and sharing their collaborative work, TEX has set up a Google Drive shared folder.
Eventual project outcomes include input into developing the adaptation plan, and potential additional resources for agencies or private stakeholders in parallel to the plan. The first draft of the adaptation plan is expected by the end of calendar year 2015 followed by revisions in early 2016. A second meeting to review the inventory and discuss next steps is scheduled to occur in mid-November 2015.

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