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Hermosa Beach Project Launch

The Hermosa Beach-TEX project officially launched on July 27. The newly formed team consists of Community Lead Kristy Morris (Environmental Analyst, Hermosa Beach, CA) and Scientific Partner Lon Peters (President, Northwest Economic Research, Inc.). Morris and Peters will collaborate to explore the renewable energy generation capacity within Hermosa Beach in conjunction with implementation of the city’s 2015 Municipal Carbon Neutral Plan. The project will consist of three components:


1) Estimation of the technical potential of existing and future technologies


Given the City’s characteristics, this task will identify feasible technologies:  wind, solar, tidal/wave, wastewater biogas, landfill biogas, microscale anaerobic digestion (AD), and complementary energy storage.  Some options may be open to the City acting alone, but others will require working with municipal partners and private entities that provide services to Hermosa Beach (e.g., wastewater treatment).  Energy storage is a means to integrate intermittent renewable energy output.


 2) Review of transaction types and pathways


In this task, feasible technologies will be further examined in terms of municipal ordinances and contractual paths:  (a) power purchase agreements (PPAs) with developers, under which the City would purchase energy or storage services directly;  (b) leases with developers, under which the City would rent sites (e.g., municipal rooftops) to developers;  (c) ordinances related to permitting, under which the City would reduce regulatory barriers to entry for developers;  (d) pilot projects, under which the City would engage with developers to test new technologies such as wind/wave/microscale AD (pursuant to PPAs and/or leases);  and (e) existing projects, under which the City would work with current wastewater and landfill contractors to understand (i) current plans to develop renewable energy, and (ii) opportunities for the City to work with such contractors to promote renewable energy.


3) Estimation of costs by technology


Finally, the last task will gather existing information about the costs, both current and projected, of the feasible technologies, including (i) overnight construction cost (capital);  (ii) integration costs (e.g., charges from Edison and energy storage);  (iii) costs that may be avoided due to promotion of renewable energy;  and (iv) comparisons of projected annual nominal costs (in $/MWh and net present values).


The project team will have their first meeting on August 25 in Hermosa Beach, CA.

mgoodwin editor

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